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Business Architecture: Worth the Investment? Mesa Ejecutiva con Whynde Kuehn
While business architecture has increasingly gained traction globally, it is still a discipline that many people have questions about. What exactly is it and what is it not? How is it different than other disciplines? What is it used for and what happens if an organization does not have a business architecture? Is it really worth the investment? Whynde Kuehn will address all of these questions and more in an interactive discussion, followed by recommendations on where you can go…
Más Información »Bootcamp de Estrategia de TI y Arquitectura Empresarial Haciendo que funcionen las piezas y generen valor al Negocio. Con Claude Baudoin y Bob Benson
Un piloto no despega y después pregunta al copiloto “¿Por cierto, a dónde vamos?”. Cualquier viaje, costoso y complicado, requiere del entendimiento de la meta a la cual se pretende llegar, así como los mejores mecanismos para lograrlo. Así, muchas organizaciones de TI hoy en día emprenden numerosos proyectos que involucran grandes presupuestos sin tener un conocimiento profundo sobre cómo alinear las iniciativas tecnológicas con las capacidades que estratégicamente requiere el negocio y que además están cambiando debido a la…
Más Información »Creating Highly Effective Teams mesa redonda con Robert Scott
Is your team . . . ?
. . . experiencing problems with decision making or with its internal communications?
. . . failing the effective collaboration test? Are team relationships broken?
. . . missing key deadlines and deliverables?
Join Robert Scott in this executive Round table learn, share and discuss with him on some of the key issues and interventions for success in Creating Highly Effective Teams.
Más Información »Experiencing 21st Century CIO Skills con Robert Scott
Today’s CIOs and Senior Executives are continuously challenged to develop their skills (and those of their entire IT leadership team) in order to drive more value to the business. Success requires a unique combination of foresight (seeing emerging technologies and trends that are relevant to innovation), leadership (digital transformation doesn’t just happen; it requires creativity, vision and commitment) and stewardship (evolving skills in every member of the IT organization). As senior leaders of IT, your clear vision for the role…
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